Convert handwritten notes or ideas to text.To use OneNote, you can try any of the following features: OneNote automatically saves and syncs your information to the Cloud, so you’ll never have to worry about losing data. Once the app is downloaded, users can begin taking notes, sharing information, and organizing data to their liking. Once you go to OneNote, you can’t go back. Your administrative professional career will never be the same again. Also, being well-versed in OneNote is an attractive skill to have on your resume. Its platform is extremely easy to adapt to for new users. Not only this, but OneNote is extremely user-friendly. Businesses want important information made accessible, and they want it instantaneously. Hand-written notes simply aren’t cutting it anymore. If businesses fail to keep up with the heightened demand for informational accessibility, they’ll fall behind. We live in a culture with strong technological imperative. Microsoft OneNote is slowly working its way to becoming the preferred method of informational organization by administrative professionals everywhere. Though this may be a hot take, there’s truth to this statement.

Microsoft OneNote is Superior to Notes By Hand Using OneNote means you can easily store, organize and access important information with greater ease. This makes the administrator’s job all the simpler, and will even improve productivity among the team.

Instead of using multiple platforms to store critical information, OneNote places everything into one convenient location. In some cases, even administrative assistants lose this info amidst the many platforms used to store documents. Without the administrator's fervent note-taking, most teams would lose this information in a sea of projects and ideas. Information can also be delivered as quickly as it’s forgotten. This means it’s up to an organized professional to have that information on hand and ready to go. Information can be pulled on request at any given moment. In most cases, large teams or executives rely heavily on the diligence of administrative professionals. These roles require vigilant tracking and organization of vital information. Using OneNote poses significant benefits to administrative professionals and executive assistants alike. Using OneNote: How do Professionals Benefit? Though there are undeniable benefits to both practices, using OneNote can be of great help to administrative professionals. OneNote is a cloud-based information app that offers automatic backups to Cloud 365. But what if there was a way to create a more comprehensive method of noting important information? This is where OneNote steps in. Some administrative professionals swear by manual note-taking and refuse to give up the timeless tradition. Although you can never truly replace taking notes by hand, there are ways to streamline the note-taking process.